Young Women's Group

Our Young Women's Group provides a safe online space for young women aged 14 to 25 to come together, celebrate womanhood, and bring out the best in each other.
It provides a safe space to talk about and share about your life experiences, life stories and focus on the VISION you can create for yourself and those around you to be contributing citizens of your society.
It is useful for young women to help them cope with and make peace with their life journey, so that they may see the good in it no matter what, and how they can use it to empower themselves and empower others
This group has given the young people a safe space to share their voice, and know that they are not alone, and also create VISIONS for themselves through their live experiences
Young people can get help through the creation and provision of that safe space to safely explore their lives and purpose.
After completing our Vision Board exercises and the process we use to do this, a young person fed back and said:
“ I feel like a BIG stone has been lifted off my shoulders” - D
Where and when:
The group run online every Thursday from 6-7pm.
It is a safe space to focus and build on our skills, knowledge and integration, while celebrating the present.
This group is for those who are 14-25, from a refugee background and living in Sussex .
Sessions are delivered online via Zoom, on Thursdays.
Interested in coming along? Please get in touch with Phati, our Young Women's Group Lead.
You can contact Phati directly by email: [email protected]