Welcome to GSC!

Global Social Club (GSC) meets every Monday 5 - 7pm (except for bank holidays). Our team welcome young people aged 14-25 from around the city and around the world. We’re based at the BMECP Centre in central Brighton. GSC is delivered in partnership with the Refugee Council and Pathways to Independence.
GSC is an awarding winning youth service! We started this new group in August 2017 in response to hearing requests from our young people to meet more local people their age. Since then we have welcomed over 400 young people and become recognised as the UK’s first Youth Club of Sanctuary!
We have fun, celebrate diversity, build friendships and share culture & creativity. Each week we do different activities, socialise and share food together. It’s a space to nurture connection and solidarity between young people of different backgrounds.

It also provides vital opportunities for young refugees to meet new people locally. We can also offer specialist support for young refugees around issues they might be facing with life in the UK. Our robust partnership has a range of strengths, enabling us to offer a safe and supportive environment for young people across a spectrum of vulnerability.
We have strong community links in order to connect young people to additional opportunities and support locally. We were delighted to be awarded grants from Brighton and Hove Council in 2018 & 2019 through a youth led application process. Young members of GSC applied for funds specifically for activities and trips. We have been ice skating, go karting, horse riding and for a festive meal together to name just a few outings!
If you would like to refer a young person to GSC then please complete the referral form here and provide as much detail as possible. The BMECP Centre can be challenging to find, so we would encourage all referers to accompany the young person/s to GSC on their first visit. If you have any questions about GSC or would like to discuss a referral then please email Mel Gould, GSC Lead, on [email protected].
Every Monday!
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm